As an unprecedented design event at Wuhan, over 200 top designers together with famous imported furniture brands joined this activity. The brands are from Italy, Germany, America, Norway and some other Europe nations which are covered by tiles, sanctions, sanitary, kitchen ware, and home furnishing categories. The participants widely discussed fashion trend of the future home design, exchanged views and ideas. All these moves fostered further development of home design area at Wuhan and marked a new era of east meets west design philosophy.
當晚,作為武漢友誼國際進口家居節Designer之夜活動四大主辦主辦品牌之一的G.e.t. Casa,作為業內資深的義大利瓷磚進口商,攜手合作已經超過20年的頂級義大利瓷磚廠商,以別開生面的形式,參與了此次活動。
As one of the organizers of this activity, G.e.t. Casa together with top brands at the tile industry to make this event happen.